Magicycle e-bikes are designed to be enjoyed in various climates and conditions. However, it's important to take care of your e-bike to protect it from damage caused by the elements.
Whenever possible, park your bike indoors.
If you must park outdoors in rainy or wet conditions, avoid doing so for extended periods. Afterward, park your bike in a dry location to allow the bike systems to dry out.
If you choose to cover your bike with a tarp during rain, only do so temporarily. Remember to remove the tarp once the rain has passed to allow moisture and condensation to evaporate.
Properly store your bike.
Store your bike under shelter and in an upright position to ensure proper drainage.
Avoid leaving your bike exposed to rain for long periods. If your bike does get wet, dry it thoroughly afterward and apply anti-rust treatment to the chain and other unpainted steel surfaces.
Prevent exposure to corrosive substances.
Perform Regular Maintenance
Stay on top of maintenance.
When your bike is exposed to wet conditions, it will require a more frequent maintenance schedule to prevent rust, corrosion, and ensure all systems function properly.

Clean your bike as necessary.
To clean your bike, use a damp cloth to wipe the frame.
If needed, apply a mild, non-corrosive detergent mixture to the damp cloth and wipe the frame.
Dry your bike by wiping it with a clean, dry cloth.
Avoid using a hose or high-pressure washer to clean your e-bike.
Refer to our cleaning guide for more detailed instructions.
Address scratches or chips with touch-up paint.
Keep the chain clean and lubricated.
Ensure the chain is clean, lubricated, and operates smoothly. Pay extra attention to chain maintenance if you use the bike in wet, salty, dusty, or otherwise harsh conditions.
Consult a local, reputable bike shop to determine the best chain lubricant ("lube") for your specific weather and riding conditions.
Avoid Moisture and Salt
Keep electrical components dry.
Never submerge the bike or any components in water or liquid. Such actions can damage the electrical system.
When your bike is wet, keep it upright to allow rainwater to flow off the electrical components.
Avoid riding on the beach, in coastal areas, or on roads treated with salt or deicing compounds.
These environments expose your bike to corrosive salt and chemicals. Saltwater or deicing compounds can cause permanent damage to electronic components.
If you do ride in coastal areas or on salt-treated roads, frequently wipe down your bike and apply anti-rust treatment to all unpainted mechanical parts. Please note that corrosion damage is not covered under warranty.
After riding your e-bike in dirty, sandy, or wet conditions, it's always a good idea to inspect it for dirt, debris, and moisture. Before every ride, inspect all components to ensure they are secure and in good condition.