The default password is ‘1212’.
Power-on Password Disable/Enable
To enable or disable Start PassWord settings, press the “ + ” or the “ - ” button to select ON or OFF. ON means enabling a power-on password while OFF means disabling a power-on password. The default value is OFF.
To enable a power-on password, choose ON and press “ i ” button to confirm and input the current password or default password’1212’. Press the “ + ” or the “ - ” button to change the number and press the “ i ” button to confirm digits one by one until the correct password is completed.
To disable the current password, choose OFF and press “ i ” button to confirm and input the current password correctly. The screen displays ‘PassWord Canceled Successfully’. *Then the display password is restoring the default code ‘1212’.

Power-on Password Reset
Press the “ + ” or the “ - ” button to select ‘Reset PassWord’ and press the “ i ” button to confirm to access
power-on password reset interface. There are 3 pages for setting up a new password:
In the first page, please enter the current password or default password ‘1212’ correctly.
Then it moves to the second page for inputting a new password. Press the “ + ” or the “ - ” button to increase or decrease the number and then press the “ i ” button to confirm digits one by one until a new 4-digit password is completed.
Finally, it comes to the third page and reenter the new password again for confirmation. The screen displays, PassWord Reset Successfully,
When switching on the E-bike system next time, please enter the new password to power on the display.

Be sure to remember your display password, once you forget it, we cannot reset it for you, unfortunately you may need to replace a new display.